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Análisis ambiental del valor económico del agua de riego en San Juan : unificación del agua superficial y subterránea
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo, 2021) Jiménez, Luis F.
In the present work, the problem of the irrigation water management crisis in San Juan has been identified based on the difficulty on the part of the administrator State and the users. Three important aspects are recognized in the use of the scarce resource in a desert, identified by the great inefficiency in the distribution and application system on the farm, the low economic, social and environmental value that users consider for water, and the scarce awareness collective that the underground aquifer is finite with a single source of recharge and that its overexploitation can lead to an irreversible ecological imbalance, in quantity and quality. It has been considered that, in the face of the current drought and probably with frequent similar future scenarios based on climate change, it is convenient to unify the two types of water supply source, surface and underground, using new criteria for evaluating the use of water. water by measuring its delivery by volume and unifying in a single rate the value of the cost of the water used. In this way, it is considered that users will be able to identify a greater degree of efficiency in their use, the administrative state will be able to control the level of rational use, avoiding environmental imbalances. Likewise, it is considered that a voluntary registry of users who adhere to the unified system should be organized, to participate in the new management system, with a unified tariff scheme and a policy of public subsidies aimed at achieving greater efficiency of use and distribution, greater economic productivity. , social and environmental of agricultural operations. A mathematical simulation model is attached for the calculation of rates unifying the volumes and costs of surface water and groundwater.
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Lactancia materna exclusiva como factor protector en el desarrollo de bronquiolitis
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2021) Guidet Martínez, Mercedes Jael
Exclusive breastfeeding in toddlers proved to be the main source of nutrition and protection for infants. Numerous benefits can be counted, among them, the prevention of respiratory infections. Bronchiolitis is the main cause of lower respiratory tract infection in toddlers under 2 years old, thus the main objective of this systemic revision is to decide if exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months after birth is a protecting factor against the occurrence of bronchiolitis in toddlers under 2 years old. To this end, a systemic approach has been performed which produced as a conclusion that toddlers fed exclusively by breastfeeding had a minor risk of contracting bronchiolitis lowering the amount of hospitalization and internment should they occur. Furthermore, the data reflected the breastmilk superiority over infant formula in the nutrition and development of the toddlers
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Estudio de caso sobre la aplicación de prácticas de gestión de calidad en instituciones educativas secundarias de gestión privada en la Ciudad de San Luis.
(Universidad Católica de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales., 2017-07-05) Silvera. Ricardo Víctor
Since the importance of education to achieve long term socioeconomic development at both the individual and aggregate levels has been proven, the present research work analyzes the feasibility of private secondary schools in the city of San Luis (Argentina) to standardize their processes through quality management systems. Given the peculiarities of the research problem, a qualitative study was used, particularly a case study, taking as units of analysis private secondary schools of San Luis city. Based on a population of 22 units of analysis, a sample of 16 test cases was selected, upon which the research instrument was applied. Questionnaires for principals and teachers were developed to 4collect the data, based on the available theoretical background and interviews with specialists in the education field. The analyzed data suggests that, seemingly, institutions would be prepared to implement standardized quality management tools in their processes, serving as a basis for more specific, later studies.
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Proyecto: PLAPP (Plantación Pistacho Puntano), Análisis de Rentabilidad.
(Universidad Católica de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales., 2021-08-24) García, Martin Ezequiel.; Lucero, Marcos Alejandro.
In this paper we perform a profitability analysis of an investment project of Pistachio in a field in the vicinity of the City of San Luis. The project will be carried out by three partners. We visualize a great commercial opportunity based on the climatic contrast of this production with the European Continent, the largest consumer. In addition, the soil conditions of the field selected in our country increases the feasibility of carrying out this production activity. We first conduct a study of all the requirements in terms of investment to carry on this project. After that we analyze a diversification strategy in selecting the consumer market. Thus, the strategy selected is to target the production in an 80% to foreign markets and 20% remaining in the local market. Finally, we calculate the returns of the investment, and based on this an analysis we determine the feasibility of carrying out this project accordingly to the solidly argued predictions.
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Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un nuevo punto de venta de Casa Centenario.
(Universidad Católica de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales., 2020-12-03) Navarro, Lucía; Berón, Nicolás
The present project arises in order to develop an economic and financial analysis of a new point of sale in the south of the capital of the province of San Luis of the small and medium-sized company "Casa Centenario", a business destined for commercialization of automotive electrical parts, with the intention of increasing the amount of sales and profitability of the firm. To do this, a series of feasibility studies will be carried out in order to obtain information that will allow us to know if it is feasible to carry it out. Among these we will find: the commercial viability that will try to make known how acceptable the product is to the market, internal and external sources will be used; rganizational viability, which will refer to the company's ability to execute the project; the technical feasibility, which will seek to ensure the skills to carry it out, will detail the initial investment, income and annual costs; and, legal viability, which will seek to demonstrate that there are no legal impediments. Finally, the monetary results of the venture will be analyzed with a financial study, thus confirming the viability of the project.