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Directrices para aplicar inteligencia artificial en educación
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2024) Larrea Arnau, Claudio Marcelo
En términos de perspectivas futuras, la IA tiene el potencial de seguir transformando la educación superior de maneras aún no imaginadas. Desde la creación de entornos de aprendizaje totalmente inmersivos y personalizados hasta la posibilidad de democratizar el acceso a la educación de calidad a nivel mundial, las posibilidades son vastas y emocionantes. En conclusión, la IA está remodelando la educación superior de una manera profunda y multifacética. Este capítulo se sumerge en estas transformaciones, explorando tanto las oportunidades como los desafíos presentados por la integración de la IA en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. A través de este análisis, busca proporcionar una comprensión integral de cómo la IA no solo está cambiando la educación superior, sino también preparando a las generaciones futuras para un mundo cada vez más tecnológico e interconectado.
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Mercado de la vivienda, aportes para un abordaje económico en prespectiva
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2022-09) Diaz Bay, Javier; Gomez Gerbi, Mariano
The importance of housing in economy and society is not only because it is an key element for social integration but also housing is an asset, in Argentina, which represent the most popular and common investment made by families throughout his life. In the last 25 years the Argentine economy has gone through many and varied crises: Hyperinflation (1989-1991), Tequila (1994), Asia and Brazil (1998), Depression and MaxDevaluation (1999-2001), Subprime Crisis (2008) and particularly for the real estate market, the informal currency gap at the end of 2011. In all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, the housing market was the subject of analysis and reflections. Recently, arise of long run credits (UVA system) placed the housing market on the public agenda as a crucial issue of economic policy. In this framework, the aim of this paper is to introduce aspects of economic analysis for the understanding of the housing market, to analyze the factors that determine the structures of offer and demand and through the analysis of a case (Mar del Plata) to assess whether what we postulate in theory it has some basis in the casuistic approach.
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Modelo de análisis de estados financieros para determinar la capacidad de pago
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2022-09) Castro, Alberto Daniel; Romano Pastor, Juan Pablo
Financial institutions need to evaluate the payment capacity oftheir clients before the granting of loans, to determine whether to grant or reject them and, once granted, to determine the degree to which they will be recoverable. The evaluation of this payment capacity must be done in accordance with the standards issued by the BCRA, using the information issued by the different entities. Our work has established a connection line between the regulatory requirements of the BCRA and the analysis of financial information prepared in accordance with IFRS, developing analysis tools specifically related to the objective that a credit risk analyst should pursue, avoiding the loss of resources in the development of tools that do not contribute to the objective.
PublicaciónAcceso Abierto
Impacto de la minería metalífera en el empleo en San Juan
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2022-09) Chirino, Lucila Fernanda; Diaz Bay, Javier
The significant flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that materialised through large metalliferous mining projects in the Province of San Juan (Argentina) had a great public significance, where dissonant volees were heard regarding the true impact that this FDI had on the San Juan economy. Because of this, the present research seeks to determine the impact that FDI in metalliferous mining had on employment in San Juan around 2015. The results obtained showed that large-scale FDI had a positive impact on employment in San Juan.
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El impacto del terremoto de 1944 en el imaginario escatológico y en el rol social de la Iglesia sanjuanina.
(Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Cuyo., 2023-09) Riveros Cayllet, Florencia B.; Villagra Berrocá, Alejandra
The present work arises as a proposal of articulation between four curricular units of the Teaching Staff in Sacred Sciences of the Santa María Institute of the Catholic University ofCuyo. The subjects are History ofthe Church III, Theological Anthropology, Social Doctrine of the Church, and Educational Research I. For this, the impact that the 1944 earthquake had on the eschatological imaginary and the social role that the Church of San Juan had. . A valuable contribution in this investigation were the testimonies of the people who experienced this catastrophe and the documentation that could be found, all of this was analyzed from a qualitative methodology which offered the possibility of observing experiences, beliefs and information, which yielded interesting results. for the historical contribution of our San Juan Church.